Out of Office
- This project focuses on a product which could let a person know that a collegue, friend or family member was away from their place of work or 'office'. It could state where they had gone, at what time and which day they would be returning.
- This specific contraption is made for a student at university.
- This product has 5 keys all of different lengths. The 5 keys can be used in any of the 3 keyholes, 'Back at', 'Location' and 'Day'.
- When a key is entered into a keyhole, it is turned to the right and a panel slides out to reveal the information. Every panel has a latch, so that when the key is turned to the left, the panel slides back inside the box.
- The length of the key determines which panel appears to reveal the selected information.
- Each key is numbered. Instructions, on the side of the product, explain to the user the information the different keys present.
- For example, if a person wants to let a friend know when they will return, the product could state: '09:30 - Library - Friday'. They would choose Key 1 for the time '09:30', Key 5 for 'Friday' and Key 2 to show they have gone to the Library.